[quote=Eames][quote="Short Hand":42f7d]
Originally Posted by "The Frenchman":42f7d
Shogun: Total War is still the best of the series.
Personnaly, I like Rome a lot more, battle engine is much more realistic etc. + you can desynchronise the fighting so it becvomes a lot more realistc then the other 2. Only Problem I have with it is that The uunits for the barbareans look horrid.
-BFME, seems to be getting pretty popular, according to the xfire tally a large amount of people are playing it, it was at 6th place in total amount yesterday. I am sure a patcdh should be able to help it out soon.[/quote:42f7d]
i recently got rome total war and its awesome. but i can't decide if i like it more then medieval total war. to me both rome and medievial beat shogun hands down. i love the new total war engine, the battle sequences are great...the graphics have been improved alot and i have never seen that many units on a battlefield looking that good with no lag at all. the campaign map looks pretty impresive as well. but some gameplay issues that are different in rome tw are kind of annoying, it might be because i havent been playing it for very long, but some small things are getting to me, like in medieval you could use your spies to bribe armies/cities but so far i haven't been able to do that in rome. im also disapointed that you can't position your ships in the water to allow your armies more movement area, in rome u have to load your army on the ships manually and have to wait for the ship to arrive at the target....which i guess is more realistic but i really liked hoping across the medieval maps like that. but like i said for all i know rome includes both features i just havent read the manuel or actually sat and played it very much, i did the tutorial campaign where you conquer italy and have played a few historical battles...thats it.
oh and btw bfme looks pretty cool, is there a demo yet? i probably won't buy it...but i wanna give it a shot.[/quote:42f7d]
When you get online, you will probably face alot of horse archer/barbarien army's. That all most people do online now. A few still play civilizations, bu mostly ones that have phalanxed infantry, People play as Rome as well, but they are pretty much useless if they come up against massiv horse archer army's or anything with massive lines of phalanxes. (Only because most roman armys online are all archer auxila + cohorts + a bit of cavalry.) no skirmishers or horse archers to skirmish back againt the others etc.