well, you have to download MOHradiant (map maker) to do any sort of work with MOH mapping. you can grab that at http://www.mohaa.ea.com
also, you may want to check out a few tutorials. if you go to http://www.modtheater.com , they have some users who are veterans of mapping and could give you lots of advice. good luck.
thats because you have to convert them. i believe right now they are BSP files... if someone could help this guy out, please do. i have know knowledge of mapping what so ever. try some modding websites, they will give you feedback, or even the MMS forum on these boards.
okay first things first use this tutorial cause it is the best one out there. You may notice that many maps in thier readme give credit to nemisis. [url:6fa8b]http://www.dafront.com/~nemesis/tut.htm[/url:6fa8b]