The other day when I went to go see Willy Wonka I heard some people talking about Star Wars Episode 7 and they said that Lucas has finally agreead to make them is this true?
He has stated publicly many times that there will be no 7, 8, or 9.
thats what I was thinking, but they said that he changed his mind, and said it in some interview...but at the same time I was thinking that would be big news and would be all over......
the republic doesn't die, it is replaced by the empire, and after the emperor is killed, luke starts his own jedi academy but is also lured by the dark side by the reborn emperor. much goes on after the movies, but eventually the dark side is defeated and a new race from a different galaxy comes...the story never ends..
The extended star wars universe , does not exsist according to lucas. only thing he allowes is mara jade.
but you know I think supershadow is full of shit too. he says he is in the prequils and is lucas's friend. but he does have the most facts I have seen.
He did have the complete script for episode 3 before it was out though.