08-27-2002, 06:46 PM
Ok, let's end the confusion here:
-You can call a vote on ANY server as long as the admin hasen't disabled voting. This includes to rotate the map, OR kick a player.
-You can only call a vote through the console (the `/~ key in-game).
-You MUST have "console" checkmarked in the MOH options, or else anything you type in the console will not register as a command.
-The correct command for booting a player is (no quotes) "callvote kick players_name", so to kick me would be: callvote kick FOG|Bazooka_Joe.
-Once a vote is cast, the majority of players on the server (80% in MOH, I think) must agree on the vote in order for it to register, or else it will just be passed.
-In order to vote, type either (no quotes) "vote yes" or "vote no" in the console.