I'm not sure BUT i think its pak0.pk3 and i'd like to know how to change the server text by this i mean like then it says
Eversun was clubbed by S P I T F I R E
I'd like it to say
Eversun was beaten to death by S P I T F I R E
nevermind which file that crap is in, just wait until the expansion pack comes out, i can't wait to spam the servers with TRY AGAIN in russian, that'll be funny.
The text messages you are looking for are found in the localization.txt file which is in Pak0 and Pak6. The one in Pak0 contains mainly the game messages, the one in Pak6 contains the voice comands, etc Extract it and look thru it, you can change all sorts of text there.
I would do a search for localization.txt on the forums to find examples of what to change in there as it can be a bit confusing.
Location: "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education"
08-26-2002, 09:40 AM
I will say this Spitfire, I think you need to compress that image. If someone needs to view the message with dial-up, it will take them about 45 seconds just to download one of your sigs. It is around 190KB, and that's pretty big. I believe mine is around 40KB, and mine is pretty detailed.