08-26-2002, 01:23 AM
The mission right before it is the one where you have to lead a bunch of teammates through a rainy bombed out village right after you destroy the panzer tank.
You lead your teammates through the village to the townhall and jump into the panzer tank in the back.
If you kept everyone alive including the medic, instead of going to the next mission (the one where you drive the tank through the village) you go to a mission called 'the void'.
It then says 'you have 60sec. to hide' , you are back in the previous mission (empty, no germans) where you must find a hiding place(but once the time is up you can't move).
When the time is up it shows the medic in 3rd person looking for you. If you manage to elude the medic or stay alive, at the end (mission stats), you recieve a medal(not sure if this medal is carried over from previous mission).
Nothing spectacular, but cool freak: