Originally Posted by Nyck
exact car and color. 1991 ford escort for 400 bucks
Hahah, my parents used to own one of those. We donated the p.o.s. to the Red Cross.
Im not getting my liscense for another year, and probably wont be getting a car for another 3, but my dad has basically told me what car he wants me to buy..this one:
Yeah, a Beetle. A good, responsive yet slow and stable car. I was looking at this '77 Porsche Boxster a couple miles away at a used car lot, but my dad just puked on me, saying he knows I'd be dead the next day if I got it. He doesnt really trust me that well.
What I REALLY want though... is one of those hippie-mobiles. I mean, jeeze, I used to ride in my neighbors and her kids little bus back in California - insanely comfortable. The seats were couch like, we could lay on the giant floor, sleep up in the bunk... just an awesome, awesome car.
Unfortunately... its pretty damn hard to find any around. They're collectibles now, and nobody is willing to give 'em up.