08-27-2002, 07:35 PM
LOL yah
Well you see i doubt anyone actually knows what we getting.
But the normal SDK consists of
A level/map/GAME editor
With plugins to alter ever single part of the game from menus to skins to maps to models weapons.
Some companies release part of the source ,some release all.
And the bets part TUTORIALS and INFO on every part of the above.
Dload RTCW full SDK kit or FAKK2 to see what they got.
Now i personal view is EA wont do that as its a franchise and any better Mods will in their eyes harm there own products.
The reason we never got in the 1st place.
So to answer your Q i dont know and doubt anyone does if we get only part of the Source or none we will still be limited to what we can do and have to rely on user Tuts to create.