02-13-2006, 06:28 PM
Run up to the smaller rock next to the road and use it as cover from the tank. Take out the German to the right of the rock, then the guy running near the tank, and finally the soldier manning the machine gun on the tank. Once they're dead, stay behind the rock until the tank fires a shot, then run out and Sticky Bomb it on one of the 4 glowing spots and run back to the rock and wait for it to blow.
Now go South-SouthWest towards the large rock and take out 3 more enemies. Head West on road until prompted to spread out. Use the trees on the left side as cover from the Nerbelwerffer and take out the guys up on the hill to the East with the Garand, then move up to the smaller rocks. Take out the next couple Germans on the higher East hill, one has a Panzerfaust so take him down quick. Once they're dead turn your attention to the two Germans to the West in the ditch.
Rush up to the Nerb on the left side and kill the guy running it, then another 2 soldiers to the East. Blow up the Nerb, then continue down the road to the North. Take cover behind the rocks and Garand the guy that's using the next Nerbelwerffer. Stay behind the rock until the tank runs off the road and stops, wait until it fires a shot then run up and use a Sticky Bomb on it and run back to the rock before it fires another. Once the tank blows up wait by the rock and 4 germans come out of it, take them out then head East up to the Nerb. Throw a grenade into the ditch behind the gun and then use the Thompson to take out any of the surviving 3 Germans.
Now blow up the gun and continue to the north, along the right side of the road. Kill 2 soldiers, then move up to the two big rocks by the road and a truck will crash into a tree. Kill the two Germans that come out then run up to the MG nest and take control. Use the MG on the wave of enemy soldiers that come from the rocks on the side of the road, once they stop coming a couple allies will come running down to the road.
When they reach you, head to the West towards the well then turn and go North towards the compound. Kill the 3 guys that come out of the door, then go in and to the right, through another door and you'll be inside the compound. Stay near the wall and go left, take out the single guard walking around the two garages across from you, then inch up to the edge of the wall and toss a grenade around the corner into the squad of Germans waiting there. Once it goes off, go around the corner and finish off the rest. Then look up and take out the guy in the window above.
Go into the left-most garage and take out the two soldiers up on the ledge, then Sticky Bomb the tank and run back out. Now go into the next garage on the right and kill the 3 Germans on the first floor, then two more on the top ledge. Then go and touch the truck to end this section.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**