dead alive
night of the living dead orginal and remake
dawn of the dead (1978)
day of the dead
land of the dead
return of the living dead
avoid 28 days later its not a zombie movie it is pure shit one of the dumbest movies ive seen. and the remake of dawn is a crapfest. zombie 3-5, shaun of the dead and the resident evil movies.
dead alive
night of the living dead orginal and remake
dawn of the dead (1978)
day of the dead
land of the dead
return of the living dead
avoid 28 days later its not a zombie movie it is pure shit one of the dumbest movies ive seen. and the remake of dawn is a crapfest. zombie 3-5, shaun of the dead and the resident evil movies.
Well, in my opinion, you're wasting your time with those zombie movies ( I know, I should be shot) but if you're into that, whatever floats your boat. I tried getting into them, but it didn't click. Am I missing something in these films?
Well, in my opinion, you're wasting your time with those zombie movies ( I know, I should be shot) but if you're into that, whatever floats your boat. I tried getting into them, but it didn't click. Am I missing something in these films?
Zombie movies aren't for everyone, so you don't suck if you don't like 'em. To tell you the truth, 95% of zombie movies made are beyond retarded and unwatchable.
I like a select few and that's about it. I like the atmosphere of impending, slow-shuffling doom in these movies. It's a claustrophobic type of vibe. That and the fact that it's not everyday you see a dude chewing in someone's spleen.
for me it is like that old place you go to every summer. it may be old as hell and you have seen it countless times, but you still go back to it because it is an escape from reality.