09-05-2002, 01:05 AM
i agree completely, I am the one PAYING the MONEY for you and everyone else to play on MY server. I have taken all the time it takes to download all of the files and special mods for the server. I am the one that has searched for 2 months to find an answer to my problem (and this is true, thanks for the help doggie). and what have you done, came into MY server and disrupted everyone, i happen to have 2 kids, both are old enough, but if they were younger, i would not let them play on any server without my supervision, just cause of the cursing and swearing that goes on in some of them. we all get enough of that in real life, and we dont need any of it when we, or our family's are trying to sit down, relax, and have a good time. Its my server, and i have done the work, i will run it the way i want, and kick and ban who i want. and if you want to come back in after i kicked you and argue with me about it, ill ban you, and have all the other servers in my clan ban you as well, and even try to get others to ban you as well, thats just how i feel about the subject.