Who thinks the bombing of the hiroshimo was the stupidest move of the Americans. All they wanted to do was show off thier weapon by killing innocent people who had nothing to do with the war !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes they wanted to show off weapon, and power to stop the war. they didnt do it just to kill inncoent ppl. if u didnt notice the war kinda ended then. the US made ppl scared of em so they would stop fighting.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Polaris: hmm , i think the stupidest movie has got to be that battlefield earth crap with john travolta and that dude from saving private ryan <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
If u didnt know the 2nd nuk bomb was kind of a mistake. The americans had all but won. It was only a matter of time. But the Stupid generals had control of nuks back then and what happens when you give a general a nuk? they were impatiant for the war to end so they used it. It didnt cost as many lives as the first, even though the 2nd nuk was supposed to be sronger the geograghy of the location limited the blast. The president saw the destruction nuclear bombs had made and regreted using em. He took control of nuk launching capability away from the generals and into the president only.
ok well would you rather have invaded japan and killed an entire culture, many think if the americans invaded the japanese culture and race would be wiped out, and 10's of thousands of americans would have died to and hirohito was prepairing his people to fight to the last man