My brother Joe gave me this 57 inch HDTV. It's too big for the room he tells me. He replaced it with a 42 inch plasma. I must be his favorite brother.
His wife works at Wallmarts warehouse here in KC and is always getting good deals. the 57" was only $500 and he got the 42" for $100 but he did have to spend $300 more to get it fixxed.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker
Some kid here at our Target got a $2,500 52inch for about $250 because he did his homework and found it was in the back room when it was supposed to be on display. It's like a huge discount in that case. ed: