Originally Posted by Proteus
Holy shit comatose stop posting.
Not being able to tan is lame, I'm Irish. I'm either casper white or redneck red. But I have a pool... much like the rest, with chlorine in it. If you're swimming, you're going to tan, that's a really lame excuse for something you don't even need an excuse for, Pyro. So what if you're a pale virgin who only listens to rap to fit into the white-boy poser crowd, at least you're you? Oh.
i'm inside swimming...the sun doesn't touch me when im working.
Why the fuck do you think I listen to rap just to fit into a crowd? Hell...I'm basically the reason any of my friends even listen to Rap.
I don't hang out with the wiggers and neither does Buckweed
I don't even remember how I started listening to Rap but I think it was because I hung out with everyone in highschool when it was very cliky and the blacks were with the blacks, browns with browns and whites with whites (with the asians with asians but asians were a very small minority)
I fucking hate white cliky kids (wiggers, ginos, preps, goths and so on)...who would wanna hang out with only white people...they're fucked...better off getting used to hanging out with all cultures
I was moreso an acquintance of all groups...and I learned of Rap (used to hate it) from hanging out with my black and brown friends (honestly brown people tried to be black mroe than whites thugh they geniueally believe that because they're not white they can be associated with black culture as their own)
anyways...fuck you...I don't listen to rap to fit in with the wiggers...I listen to it because I like it. End of Story.
And I was shown the Cosmo magazine by a girl who works with me at the pool