Anyone else remember mcarthur23 and hotsauce3?[/quote:e137b]
the supposed "neighbours" ... I even got pms from one of them talking about the other ones plan to fuck up the boards
also I got a pm saying hotsauce or maybe it was lokireborn was actually you SW-14
"Hey, this new "Loki_reborn" name is crap. I, SW-14 made it up to try and get Loki and all the other idiots banned. I"m not the real Loki. I've got some PM's from mcarthur23 about his schemes to mess up the boards."
The time (about four or five months ago) when Spoogie, Old Reliable, a few others, and I registered at some fucked up white supremist forum and spammed 'em to hell with MLK Jr. quotes. We sure put those retards in their place....until they banned us....yep, we were quite the rebels back in the day.