09-09-2002, 08:22 AM
Fair enough. Kudos to your clan for the server...that's sincere.
The reason you got flamed from the get-go is the way you guys introduced yourselves. "LOOK OUT WERE COMING" (sic) was taken as pure braggadocio. There are some great players that post here and also some big egos, so coming into this board and "warning" the boys about a GDC "perfect clan" was the equivalent of saying "You guys suck."
Maybe you would've gotten a warmer welcome if you had said "Hey all! GDC has a new clan server started. It's for gamers, not punks. If any of you aa.commers want a change of scenery and think you can survive against some stiff competition, check us out! Thanks."
So, all flaming and bad grammar sentiments aside, good luck with the new server.
Pronunciation: "bra-g&-'dO-sE-"O, -shE-, -chE-, -(")shO, -(")chO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -cios
Etymology: Braggadochio, personification of boasting in Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser
Date: 1594
2 a : empty boasting b : arrogant pretension : COCKINESS