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XBOX360: The Threadening!
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Default XBOX360: The Threadening! - 03-01-2007, 07:42 PM

Yea yea. But appearantly (and for some fucking time) - the damn things been hackable. For a larf I trolled Craigslist this morning, and saw MODDED XBOX360 - and immediately thought. . .game on.

My questions are thus:

I dont have an HDTV - yet. Will gaming look like shit on my regular big screen TV? I plan on getting that cheap 900 dollar SAMSUNG thats on AMAZON for the time being, but I dont want text and shit to be garbled on my regular setup. I originally saw the XBOX360 in action at a friends house, playing Gears Of War - and I swear I got an erection (or that may have been from his 18 yr old sister - I dont know) on his HDTV. . .I almost went into epileptic shock when I saw the damn thing in action. We also played BURNOUT - and while it looked good on the PS2. . .man - again, epileptic shock.

What the fuck is XBOXLIVE about? Do I need this shit to play games online (seems - for now - youre able to with Yar-Matey! games. . .) - and how much is it?

Is the unit automatically wireless - or do I need an adapter?

So far GOW and GRAW (or I guess GRAW2 since it comes out next week) are at the top of my ::cough:urchase::cough:: list. So is OBLIVION (lost my PC game save. . .120 hours gone). And DEAD RISING (even though Zombies scare the shit out of me). Also (in no particular order): MASS EFFECT (BioWare guys. . .KOTOR), BLUE DRAGON, and uhm. . .Rainbow 6. What else is there?

Can you play games off the hard drive? Or a better question - what the hell is the HD for - other than storing demos and music and shit?

Alot of these games say "co-op" (like GRAW2 has 16 player co-op?) - does this mean you can play ONLINE co-op? I think I mightve answered my own question. . .since 16 players off-lines sounds kinda retarded. But what about 2-player co-op - are you able to play that online as well - speaking mostly about GOW.

What accessories are needed?
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Re: Im getting an XBOX360.
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Default Re: Im getting an XBOX360. - 03-01-2007, 08:57 PM

No it won't look like shit, just not as sharp. It won't be like playing Xbox 1 on the thing.

And yeah you need Xbox Live to play most games online.. sometimes they have free weekends and shit, but not too often. I think its about $40? per year. Your headset and stuff (as well as a free month, I think) should come with your 360.

The controllers are wireless.. don't know about the 360 itself though.

With the HD, yeah you can download games off the marketplace (like Geometry Wars or wtf), emulators to make it compatible with Xbox.

It should say on the box whether or not you can play online co-op. And yeah, GOW has that.

And it should come with all the accesories you need, as long as you buy the premium.
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geRV is Offline
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Default 03-01-2007, 09:02 PM

Only reason you're getting it is because you can dload games for it? oOo:

Whatever happened to buying a console because it had the games you wanted, nowadays people seem to flock to the console thats easily hacked so they dont have to buy any games. annoy: Hello dreamcast and we all know how that went, hacking plus the sony bullshit hype machine of their supercomputer ps2 (lmao) killed that off rightly even though it was a better machine.

To answer some questions:

Accessory wise you're better off getting the play and charge kit, comes with a lithium ion battery pack and a connector so you can use it as a corded joypad to charge it and wireless when its charged.

Hard drives for demos, firmware updates, music, vids etc.

Comes with xbox live silver which means you can dload demos and vids etc, to play games online you need a gold accoutn which costs extra. You usualy get a 1 month gold trial with a new account anyway.

Wireless you need an adaptor thats sold seperatly, the console comes with an ethernet cable to hook it up to a router.

Make sure you get the premium console and not the core version.

Far as im aware it looks ok on sdtv, if you have an lcd monitor you can hook it upto that with a seperate vga cable.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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[DAS REICH] Blitz is Offline
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Default 03-01-2007, 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by geRV
Whatever happened to buying a console because it had the games you wanted, nowadays people seem to flock to the console thats easily hacked so they dont have to buy any games. annoy: Hello dreamcast and we all know how that went, hacking plus the sony bullshit hype machine of their supercomputer ps2 (lmao) killed that off rightly even though it was a better machine.
Console games, within the past couple of years, are beginning to SUCK. They are all the same, with the same bugs, with the publishers not giving a dam what the consumers want. Certain companies exist only to make shitty games with BIG NAMES, others to capitalize on the prestige and history of their past games, and the small minority that actually create good games.

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geRV is Offline
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Default 03-01-2007, 09:14 PM

[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":4017f]
Originally Posted by geRV
Whatever happened to buying a console because it had the games you wanted, nowadays people seem to flock to the console thats easily hacked so they dont have to buy any games. annoy: Hello dreamcast and we all know how that went, hacking plus the sony bullshit hype machine of their supercomputer ps2 (lmao) killed that off rightly even though it was a better machine.
Console games, within the past couple of years, are beginning to SUCK. They are all the same, with the same bugs, with the publishers not giving a dam what the consumers want. Certain companies exist only to make shitty games with BIG NAMES, others to capitalize on the prestige and history of their past games, and the small minority that actually create good games.[/quote:4017f]

What makes that any different from pc games though? Games have always been that way and will continue to be that way. Even back as far as the atari 2600 that was the way things worked.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Default 03-01-2007, 09:21 PM

porn on HD is brilliant.
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geRV is Offline
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Default 03-01-2007, 09:23 PM

[quote="Short Hand":e9e77]porn on HD is brilliant.[/quote:e9e77]

Well considering how hd movies you can see all the blemishes on actors faces making them look their age i dont see how hd porn would be any good if it had the same effect.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Default 03-01-2007, 09:23 PM

wireless adapter to connect online is about 90-100 bucks

like gerv said get the charge and play kit its like 20 bucks and includes a rechargeable battery...if it gets low you snap it on the controller and then snap it into the system

it will look fine on a regular tv, I have a 27 inch flat crt TV and it looks good.

you need gold to play any games online.

Gears of War online sucks fucking donkey cock. Get GOW only for its SP. MP will have a bunch of fags running around and screaming to not use the chainsaw gun even though all they use is the tourque bow and sniper. You will then get kicked probably 6 -7 times because you are some "fuckin n00b" who cant kill anything.

Rainbow6 Online is fun as hell. Dead rising is Okay but got repetitive (from the demo)

Best thing about the xbox is that you can download demos to most all of the new games and try them before you buy.

I know shit all about hacking it and shit but I know I have used half my HD with saves and arcade games and shit.

"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans."
- The Joker
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geRV is Offline
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Default 03-01-2007, 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by Nyck
Gears of War online sucks fucking donkey cock. Get GOW only for its SP. MP will have a bunch of fags running around and screaming to not use the chainsaw gun even though all they use is the tourque bow and sniper. You will then get kicked probably 6 -7 times because you are some "fuckin n00b" who cant kill anything.
True, GOW is a great sp game but online its retarded no fucking balance in the game whatsoever. annoy:

Ive barely played any of my 360 games online, cod 3 maybe 3 times, gow 2 or 3 times, just the thought of puting up with those squeaky sounding fucking wanker 12 year olds who are playing games rated for 18 year olds. OMG DID YOU SEEN DU BLOOD FROM DUH CHAINSAWZZ!!! yeah only about 300 times now. oOo:

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Default 03-01-2007, 09:30 PM

tv's.. now this...
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Tripper is Offline
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Default 03-01-2007, 09:32 PM

I play my xbox on a regular 14 inch sharp tv and I can play all my games fine, and they look beautiful - The exception is DEAD RISING, which is a fucking sweet game, and one of the cooler sandbox type games on the platform - But you'll want a HDTV to play it as there is an issue with the in-game text/instructions which makes them damn near impossible to read on a regular screen. Still an amazing game, imo.

Live is great...As said, Rainbox 6 is amazing both online and the sp is pretty great too - COD3, for me, is a great online game also - I've spent most of my time on the 360 playing that online. Heaps of fun.
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geRV is Offline
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Default 03-01-2007, 09:32 PM

Originally Posted by Bucknub
tv's.. now this...
Yes highly relevant imwithstupid:

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Tripper is Offline
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Default 03-01-2007, 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by geRV
Originally Posted by Nyck
Gears of War online sucks fucking donkey cock. Get GOW only for its SP. MP will have a bunch of fags running around and screaming to not use the chainsaw gun even though all they use is the tourque bow and sniper. You will then get kicked probably 6 -7 times because you are some "fuckin n00b" who cant kill anything.
True, GOW is a great sp game but online its retarded no fucking balance in the game whatsoever. annoy:

Ive barely played any of my 360 games online, cod 3 maybe 3 times, gow 2 or 3 times, just the thought of puting up with those squeaky sounding fucking wanker 12 year olds who are playing games rated for 18 year olds. OMG DID YOU SEEN DU BLOOD FROM DUH CHAINSAWZZ!!! yeah only about 300 times now. oOo:
Most people I have encountered have been of age - Although there are a few 12 year olds that talk too much - I usually just abuse the shit out of them or silent TK them until they leave, or until I get kicked, lol - I get satisfaction so I don't really care about the kick.
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TGB! is Offline
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Default 03-01-2007, 10:06 PM

[quote:b7846]Only reason you're getting it is because you can dload games for it?[/quote:b7846]

Pretty much.

[quote:b7846]Whatever happened to buying a console because it had the games you wanted, nowadays people seem to flock to the console thats easily hacked so they dont have to buy any games.[/quote:b7846]

Oh I'll buy games for it - just not ALL games Id like to take a gander at and play. Why limit myself to what I can afford? I mean really - if you added up every game you have an inkling to try - thats mad cash (although I guess you could use GAMEFLY but then theres the whole que system). The DREAMCAST died because it was managed poorly and was blown out the water by the PS2. Plus it kinda sucked as a console - although SKIES OF ARCADIA and LEGACY OF KAIN were fucking awesome.

[quote:b7846]wireless adapter to connect online is about 90-100 bucks [/quote:b7846]

Fuck that noise.

Are there any stats to show how many people are playing on this LIVE bullshit? Im partially going to get this shit for the Online portion of it (and GRAW2 looked sick as hell), but am wary about how many people actually go online with this thing. It seems though that certain games are specifically tuned for the online portion (which is further blurring the line between console/pc - but w/e).

40 bucks for a years subscription isnt bad at all.

Piggy-Back question. . .to utilize the HD output of the XBOX - what do I need to look for on an HDTV if I decide to go that route (some real good deals on HDTV locally).
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Short Hand is Offline
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Default 03-01-2007, 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by "Short Hand":532e9
porn on HD is brilliant.
Well considering how hd movies you can see all the blemishes on actors faces making them look their age i dont see how hd porn would be any good if it had the same effect.[/quote:532e9]

realism. I want to feel the orgasm...
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