I started watching part 8, (I think that's the number - the one where the boat's anchor pulls a power cable into Jason's dead body and the electric current revives him) but fell asleep right after it started. There is nothing more relaxing than watching a young fornicating couple get impaled with a spear gun. I'll have to fire it back up today.
scream 1 and 2 arent as bad as people say - i thought they were a good duo of movies for what they were, a throwback to 70s/80s slashers, reference-fest black comedy.
scream 1 and 2 arent as bad as people say - i thought they were a good duo of movies for what they were, a throwback to 70s/80s slashers, reference-fest black comedy.
scream 3 sucked a old bitches cun.t
Scream is a speciality movie channel...1 and 2 refers to friday the 13th 1 and 2.
scream 1 and 2 arent as bad as people say - i thought they were a good duo of movies for what they were, a throwback to 70s/80s slashers, reference-fest black comedy.
scream 3 sucked a old bitches cun.t
Scream is a speciality movie channel...1 and 2 refers to friday the 13th 1 and 2.
The reason scream 3 sucked was basically they were writing and shooting it at the same time. On the dvd if you watch it with directors commentary the director stated that they were literally waiting around for the writer to finish writing a scene so they could get handed the paper to go shoot it.
Was a very weak ending to what coulda been a great trilogy, the third part basically just used the third killer theory that had been floating about the net since the first movie. mad:
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
hey tripper this is a messege to you...well shit im a little drunk
well being that I made a comment abouit you in this thread, yet because I was right...perfectly right...you came back and acknoledged that I was right pretty much and dind't bash me for the fact...
well one thing i realized cuz of this is that maybe my comments that i do believe that are right and are taken apart by you...yet really i still believed i am right seriouslly...means that i should have some shred of wrongness in that fact and im sorry for going on and on...
anyways im out fromt hat anyways just liked to notice you to me obersavtion today