Whats up guys, yes I am still in Iraq, probably until October sometime. Shits pretty damn boring here not a whole lot going on, but i have a shit ton of pictures but the internet is slow, so ill have to upload them when its night time here. Other than that just letting you all know im alive and well.
I'm glad you're still in one piece! I want you to get an Iraqi civilian to post here. If you manage this feat, you'll go down in history as "The man who got an Iraqi civilian to post at fpsgameforums.com".
Its good to hear from you guys, no rounds flying yet, but there have been one or two situations that it has come close to it. Pretty calm here surprisingly. Than again this is the middle of the desert....by Syria...damn Syrians.
Its good to hear from you guys, no rounds flying yet, but there have been one or two situations that it has come close to it. Pretty calm here surprisingly. Than again this is the middle of the desert....by Syria...damn Syrians.