New Ambient Sounds and Music Tutorial @ .map -
10-17-2002, 06:44 AM
The tutorial machine known as Jv_map has written yet another tutorial for you guys. It covers how to add ambient sounds and music into you Single Player or MultiPlayer maps.
[quote:d5932]This tutorial describes a way to add location depended ambient sounds to your map with meanwhile a soundtrack in the background. When you've followed this tutorial you can for example lower the volume of the background sounds when the player is in a building. Another cool feature is available for single player maps: change the music when things get exciting.[/quote:d5932]
Give it a [url=]read[/url:d5932]
I have yet seen this in SP missions -> Outdoor you´ll hear a loud stormy weather and it´s hard to hear any footsteps of enemy soldiers. But enter a small building in the same map, you get a new ambient sound with a lower volume BUT you will hear the SAME enemy running outside much louder. Especially if the door is yet open!
Very Weird!!