The "must have" mods vary from person to person. I would recommend:
* a blood mod (I have Dagroov Ultimate Gore)
* maps (list is found in a sticky in this forum)
* maps - [url:461f4][/url:461f4]
* Teamspeak - [url:461f4][/url:461f4]
There is a multitude of skins, crosshairs, scopes and hud mods available. Sort by the user rating and you'll get an idea of what's preferred.
Only ignorant people say lean/strafe is dumb. Personally the way i see it is, if lean/strafe will greater your chances of dodging all them bullets flying towards you at great velocity, do it!
Although, i dont actually use lean strafe, i have a 5 button mouse which is configured with the lean keys in the control options within moh. People make a big deal out of lean strafe and its even been known to be banned from several leagues and ladders as its classed as a form of cheat. You will find most people will call you a cheat if you use it, so what, they are the suckers losing!
Lean/strafe does look dumb when you use it all the time , but there are times when it comes in handy. Therefore I use a 5 button mouse so I can use it if I want. Does stick on me sometimes though , gotta get that fixed. biggrin:
get All Seeing Eye
its a game browser to replace the one in the game
put in filers for ping and then check what maps show up as red
then you can go to and get what you need biggrin: