Admining for skins -
10-23-2002, 12:22 PM
Let me start by saying that I strongly beleive that an admin should be able to set the rules for their server however they like.
Now that I said that, I also beleive that those rules should be clearly posted in the game (by auto kick or some similar means). Just saying no cheating is pretty vague. I dont really consider skins a cheat. If a server doesnt allow them, thats fine and I will honor their rules ( and AAN for example). I prefer skins, but if no one else has them, then I am OK with that too. If I am on a server that doesnt patrol for skins, I am going to be using them because you can bet that 50-75% of the other guys on the server are using them also, probably a much higher percentage if the server is running custom maps.
I know this isn't the "PC" thing to say on this forum and I might just get flamed here or there for it, but its the way I feel. I am also pretty sure that I am not the only one that feels this way. Some "cheat" skins have as many as 4000 downloads and that is only the ones from this site.