10-30-2002, 09:38 PM
You know what, I've been having some shit days lately that makes getting home to a bottle of Rum SOOOO far off - So I feel like telling you sad sacks of shit about it. Every day. So. Every day I have a fucked up day, you're gonna hear about it. Feel free to post your own shit as well.
October 30th -
Today wasn't so bad, except for the fact that ONCE AGAIN the fucking bus is late, and actually manages to make up some time, but the driver cant be bothered to call ahead to the #38 I need to catch to get to work to tell him to wait all of 10 seconds. Not suprising since shed rather talk on the phone to her fucking kids. This doesn't take into account 4 ghetto black kids sitting on the bus where I sit who EVERY DAY recit Forest Gump like it's still funny, and who are loud to be loud. Of course anyone who tells them to shut up is an idiot. The work day wasn't so bad. Ive found the bus situation to be a running source of my pain. Anyway, riding home, bus late. Of course. Get downtown. Other bus late. Decide to take the LIGHT RAIL. Get off light rail. Bus I need to take. Late. It shows up and actually decides to WAIT for the next LIGHT RAIL to come, never mind he's late, and its 10 minutes past his time to leave. Finally home, but rest assured tomorrow will be the same and the day after and the day after. Dusting off that drivers liscense is looking more and more tantilizing.