What R Your Opinions On Spearhead MP? -
11-09-2002, 01:37 AM
well i was in a server for about a 1/2 hour and all i have to say is that the german rifle grenade is already being completely abused. i dodged a few rounds but i think the server had the run speed increased. i'd hate to see them at normal run speed. hopefully someone will mod them so u have to be stationary to fire the grenade. if not that weapon is going to be a thorn in spearhead's side. forget about the shotgun lamers and watch out for the new breed of grenade launcher hookers.
other than that the game is a complete blast. the netcode seems to be alot better and the maps are smooth looking as well. my fps is higher than in MOHAA which is always a bonus.
for those of u looking for new weapons you have to choose different models to recieve them. the morters are a cool feature but you must be out in the open to use them. the portable mg42 is nice but once again u can only deploy it out in the open. this maybe be remedied by playing tdm and not dm as i did.
just my 2 cents, i hope everyone enjoys it! i know i do.