Saving Ryan's Privates -
11-28-2002, 06:24 PM
I saw this awhile ago, and just never posted it. But more I thought about it, it was actually pretty funny. So, like I said, I saw it awhile ago, which means it's been around for awhile. So, you might have seen it already. So, there. So, watch this, as I thought it was funny. So, cya!
PS: The Sticky Bombs were the best, heh
[url:fe931],3956,140413,00.html?fid=140413&prn=1&rcid=1661&m t=&bw=&v=&w=&h=&refsite=&ad_ref=&cch=&admediatype= swf&adid=2457286&adbadgetype=sponsor&flash=true&fr ameSize=&mext=&mm=&iid=88855702&redirUrl=http%3A//[/url:fe931]