Zoner Photoshop Tutorial #1 - Custom Camo Text -
12-12-2002, 04:03 PM
Man, I really AM bored at work. Here's a tutorial on how to make kewl camo text in Photoshop 5.5. Enjoy!
1) Create a new image. Click the Text tool and place some text on the image.
2) Choose the Filter menu, then Pixelate, then Pointillize (Filter > Pixelate > Pointillize). Say Yes to the dialog box asking if you want to render the layer. Play around with the cell size in the Pointillize dialog box until you get a size you like.
3) Choose Filter > Brush Strokes > Sprayed Strokes to make the edges of the pointillized cells jagged. Just use trial and error until you find the right amount of "jaggedness".
4) Choose Image > Adjust > Hue & Saturation. Check off the Colorize checkbox and make the text whatever colour you want. You can then add drop shadows, lighting effects, etc to the text (which I will not go into here).
Voila! Camo text!
Was this helpful? If so, I might do some more down the road, when I get time.