Damn, well, if ya do find out if anyone is starting a clan let me know
Tandem Thrust up at SWBTA (Shoalwater Bay Training Area), It's a large affair, It was to far away from where I live to see anything at all, I live near Brisbane, SWBTA is near Rockhampton, but check out Australian Defender magazine and the Official Australian Army magazine when they next come out, they should both have some good articles about what happened up there. I can tell you that the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) was there aswell as 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Battalion also Canadians, but I'm not sure as to what extent the Candians were involved, and ofcourse us Aussies

3 RAR, 4 RAR (Commando), SASR and other Regiments, 6 RAR I think. I think also Navy SEALs were involved, not sure though. But yeah check out those magazines, they'll tell you everything
[This message has been edited by BallisticWookie (edited June 25, 2001).]