New Map: Run Like Hell -
12-26-2002, 05:58 PM
If this is off topic please move but I have saw others post here before bout ideas with map, would like some general input, thx.
Post by Uber_soldat @ tmt:
me and BoRo Glory are making a new obj, and need some more people to help out. this is the idea:
set in a forest at night. axis start in cabins, with loads of guns.
allies start in the forest with no guns, but theres a few dead people around with shotguns and pistols.
Allies obj: escape to a boat/truck/allied bots who kill axis
Axis obj: hunt the allies down
the axis get dogs to help, and a driveable truck, if the vehicles tut ever comes out [3 months ive been waiting....]
anyway, we need some people to help with the mapping, and maybe some scripters. reply here or email me or BoRo Glory if you want to help