What weapon you choose is your own matter,but here is a list of each that can be used in a certain situation.
1.the rifle,I personall do not use the rifle if you are consantly alone like in FFA.The cyclic rate isn't that great for close-quarter defense/offense
2.the smg - this is a great weapon,great cyclic rate.It can be used for covering your snipers and bazooka carrying teammates as well as stalking others.
3.the machine-gun - these are great weapons for fire suppression and area defense,you can use them for stalking,butthey are a little innaccurate at close range at full auto.
4.the sniper rifle - do not use this gun unless you are on a Team play server and have a good team to cover you so that the other team doesn't sneak up on you while you are scoped in on a target and kill you.the accuracy and one-shot kills are a great plus,but the cyclic rate is poor for self-defense in a room.
5. the bazooka - Great weapon to kill a room full of people from a good distance away.Provided you know where they are,because the bazooka's cyclic rat will get you killed....use this weapon on a team so that you have good cover from fellow players and don't just stand in a window,you make a great target with a 4 foot barrel sitcking out the window...lol.
6.the shotgun - the ultimate weapon for stalking other players.It has the best close range firepower and you can usually pull off one shot kills.the bad things are that it only holds 5 shells and it is a pain to load.also the range of the weapon is restricted to about 20 feet as the pellets spread out too much for longer shots.to overcome this you really need to use that SHIFT key to walk,not run, and sneak up on that sniper or bazooka man and wait until he has fired his shot the run in and pop him/her in the head..then run and hide and reload,do not let the shell count to get below 2 as you are inviting someone to pop you while you wait to reload all 5 shells.
I hope this answers any questions about the weapons....good hunting friends.....
Praise the Medics...and pass the ammunition