01-17-2003, 11:12 PM
What games do you guys play while getting drunk, or when you are drunk...?
Me and my mates play a gamed called 'Ring Of Fire.'
I know what you're thinking....and, no not that type of ring, kids!
The game starts with a deck of cards arranged face down in a circle. In the center of a circle is a jug. Throughout the game, players pour the last inch or so, of drink in their cups, into that jug.
You go around in a circle in turns, and each person picks up a card from the circle on their turn. Each card has a different association with it, for instance, you pick up an ace, you get 'snake eyes.' That means, that throughout the game, until someone else picks up an ace, you cant look them in the eyes, otherwise you have to skull their drink. Or, if you pick up a king, you have to skull, and the people to the right of you, cant stop until you do.
So anyways, the game continues till someone breaks the circle or, "ring of fire," by pulling a card that creates a gap in the circle. They have to skull the jug in the middle of the circle, that has built up with different types of alcohol through the night.
These rules apply during the game:
Everyone must be refered to by their last name.
You cant say Fuck or Shit.
You cant point with your finger or hand.
You cant say drink or skull, you must say 'Consume.'
You can't leave the table until you cant stand up, unless you are going to get more drink or you are going to spew.
You only get 3 toilet breaks throughout the game.
The violation of any of these rules results in the violatee, skulling the rest of the can / glass / bottle, or whatever he is drinking.
The game eventually turns into a big laughing and shouting mess, when people gradually become more inebriated, and find it harder to follow the rules. A fun way to get pissed!
What games do you guys play while drinking?