Yes, I am a mod -
03-25-2003, 01:42 AM
First of all, I suppose I owe everyone an apology. I didn't handle the immediate barrage of anti-me threads very well.
I understand why some of you were displeased with me being made mod and M/M/S, but I can't stress enough that your anger in that area is misdirected when aimed towards me. All I did was send an e-mail offering to do M/M/S two months ago, and here I am now. I didn't ask/apply to be a mod, I guess it's just part of the gig.
I especially owe ED an apology. I should never have allowed him to infuriate me as he did, and I'm past that. ED, all I ask from you is that you at least be somewhat civil. I don't start shit with you, no reason to start it with me.
As far as my modding will go.. it won't go much at all. My job here is to post M/M/S, and that's my job. I'll help out modding where I can to alleviate some of the burden from Joe. He can't be on top of things 100% of the time, and I am generally here during the hours which he is not.
If you have any questions, flames, whatever.. fire away. Just remember that I didn't simply mod myself. All I did was accept an offer that many people wouldn't have turned down.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008