Why I don't mod... -
03-30-2003, 02:53 AM
(Aside from my kickass balance mod posted on the main page)
Here is an email I received in my alliedassault.com account:
<DIV>hi i play medal of honor allied assault and spearhead i was just wondering if you know how to build a mod could you build me a weapon mod if you can please email me heres what i want if you can do it for both games i want a mod to where all the guns i mean all the guns everysingle one including shotgun and rocket i want them to be all rapid fire and have a powerful shot like really accurate shot and a really death shot i want all the guns to shoot like or almost like close to like the machine guns really rapid fire and have infinite ammo and if you could i would really like to have a mod like this i really want rapid fire for all the guns and infinite ammo just email me when you get this i want a mod like this if you cant do it i would like to know who could for me and i want the mod to be all together in one file if its possibile.</DIV>

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008