help with speed -
06-15-2003, 02:19 PM
I just started replaying MOHAA multiplay after about a 7 month lapse and now when I play I'm running around like a snail and others are running rings around me. People can actually outrun me even though we have the same weapons? Reminds me of my 56K days. My weapon is not as effective as it was.
Additionally, I'm getting a chop when I turn fast. Nothing has changed with my computer except my cable connection has improved and I have the latest updates to all devices. Additionally, my drive is defragged and all devices are consantly checked. When I do Tracerts, my pings are better than they were 7 months ago. I also have latest mohaa patches installed.
I have and P4 2 gig mhz processor, 512 meg memory, 120 gig hard drive running XP with a Radeon 900 Pro 128k video card. I also can crank over 100 fps but I limit it to 60.
What has changed? I play CKR/Realism games mostly and I'm wondering if they are the cause.
The difference in my movement speed to some of the others is startling. During a game I asked about my speed issue and I was told that there are mods for CKR that improve your speed? Is that correct? freak:
Can anyone suggest a solution.