rating system -
06-30-2003, 04:02 PM
i can't figure out the rating systems. any one see the move thr right stuff? in the movie there is a scene where a women stripped and you could see her breasts. why was the movie rated pg? and james cameron's titanic is rated pg-13 even though you could see breast. also in a movie called indo china, they showed a women naked, for like 30 seconds. the camera just focused right at her, and you could see breasts. shouldnt they be rated r for nudity? i'm not suggesting they should do anything about it, i dont care. it's just that i dont get why it's like that. on the history channel a while ago, they had shows about the hitler youth. one part of the show talks about women in the hitler youth, and they showed this women naked on tv with her breast exposed. is there like a rule for rating? like black and white nudity is ok? or small breast nudity is ok? lol