Michael Sullivan (Road to Perdition) -
07-07-2003, 08:18 AM
OK, now, before you get too angry at how shitty this skin is, bear in mind there are a few things about it that must be born in mind:
Thus far, the only thing i've really gone to any effort on is the face, which i got from a screencap I took from my copy of the movie on DVD. This is still in it's Alpha stages, and i'd be more than welcoming of ideas that could make this good.
So far, the only other idea i've toyed with is getting the Slouch hat model from Krystof's Aussie Troop, making it black, and using it on this, since it is the closest thing to a fedora i can find.
Additionally, if this skin rouses some interest, i might make skins of the other main protagonists of the movie (John and Connor Rooney, Harlen MaGuire, etc)
Thanks, and again, try not to be too scathing, it's only in it's early stages.