Stuck in the mud -
02-05-2004, 11:06 PM
Well it was kidna cold here in Texas today, high in the 40s. Now I know this is not cold for many of you, but it is for me, and it was raining pretty hard, and the rain was very cold. Afetr school a couple of riends and I went out in your normal Chevy pickup, it was a manual and the guy who was driving turned on to this mud road an was driving like a mad man. He was actually doing pretty good, being the fact we were sliding back and forth the whole time, but we went of into a ditch and drove in it till we could move no more. We were at scuh an angle I had to pull my self out of the truck and when I got out I landed in deep mud. I was cold, so cold I felt naked. It was raining pretty hard, I could not see out of my glasses, I only had a small coat on and it got soaking wet. My pants were soaked I had mud all over me, I think Im going to be sick, and my shoes still have mud on em.Welll the good ol' Cb radio came in handy as we got a friend to coem pull us out with his 4 weel drive. I have never been so cold for so long in my life. I have been colder, but not for as long as I was. Have any of you ever done anything like this?