What Instant Messaging software do you use? huh? -
04-01-2004, 06:42 PM
Wow! The Internet! What a great invention! It must be in the top 5 greatest inventions of all time, duking it out with such things as velcro, the toilet, bras, dart boards, and tattoos. Just think of some of the people who have used the Internet at some point; President Bush, Charlie Chaplin, Janet Reno, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Jude Law, the guy from Different Strokes, and maybe even Christ himself. (Although that would be purely hearsay and speculation because as far as I know it doesn't mention the Internet in the Bible, but I'm speaking out of ignorance because I haven't read it all yet (on page 348) And now, you and I are here live to the world, proving that the internet is truly available to "The People", both the great and the good, the scum and the shite.
The Internet has opened up a whole new world of communication for people like us, we can now talk freely with people in far off lands and make new 'virtual' friends whenever we feel like it. One of the most important developments in the world of The Internet has been the Instant Messaging client. The development of IM software has allowed we "The People" to communicate in real time, and even "do cyber" with hairy, overweight 50y.o men pretending to be 16y.o girls. It fucking great I tell you! Think about it!!!
Anyway. The real question on everyone's lips is this - what Instant Messaging software do you use to talk dirty to old men pretending to be girls?
For the record, Mr.Buttocks uses MSN Messenger.