car problems -
07-14-2004, 05:55 PM
LOL well today is just a wonderful day
i have an old 1990's car so w/e
comming home from school, me and a friend of mine - brady were riding in my car, i stop at a stop sign to make a left hand turn, and i exucute the turn
crap what was that < clunk clunk clunk > me and brady look at each other <oh ####>
i pull into a parking lot, and the gears arn't working, i am thinking it's the transmission, on a front wheel drive car..... when a tranny <transmission> goes out in a front wheel drive car, youhave to pull the ENGINE out to get to it.....wee
so i call my mom, some dude pulled on the side of the road and gave me a cell was a rod comming from the transmission to my tire, to turn it.....i think it's called a cv joint, anyways i tore it up good. and it was like we tie the joint up so we can bring it mom hooks her car up to mine aand we proceed to drive home, at 2 mph
well about half way there 2 miles or so, during a turn, the joint comes loose, and decides it wants to flatten my TIRE - great, now there is another 70 bucks to fix the tire -- wee freakin la
so here i am, going 2 mph, getting pulled by my mom on a rope 2 feet long, crossing a major intersection, with a flat tire rolling on a rim, and then the grinding starts, oh yes my friends grinding......i hope that the city doesn't decide to sue me for leaving a 2 miles scratch in thier road....
pictures below
with the tire off
it seems the cv joint completly became a spike
that's the end of the rod, it was thrown into the engine, but it doesn't look like it's done any damage yet.....that end connects to the wheel, the other connects to one side of the transmission.
belive it or not that spike used to look like this
well, when the rod became a spike, and i turned that turn as mentioned above, it decided to slice mein tire
isn't that just peachy
don't ask me how that happened, but i just saw it on the tire