Metallica-Some Kind of Monster -
02-24-2005, 12:02 PM
I just got around to watching the dvd of this last night. It was very entertaining and a candid look into the inner strife etc. After letting it sink in I wonder if it could be considered propaghanda to de-villify them in the eyes of the Napster...them being money hungry shits etc.
A morbid curiousity drove me to see the dvd. I did not know what to expect really. I do know against all good judgement and 20+ years of living and breathing metal/punk I love St. Anger. There I said it. loney: Has anyone else seen the dvd and what are your thoughts? I thought the shrink was pretty worthless but brought a structured environment with the expectation you could vent openly and not suffer any ramifications. James before and after rehab was interesting and I almost felt as if his inability to communicate with them drove him to the edge? The band certainly sucked out his life blood.
Lars came off as a whiny shit. I tried to watch him with an open mind etc but he just came off as whiny and spoiled. Selling off his art collection for millions seemed to solidify my feelings on him.
Kirk just seemed burnt and disconnected. A life of drug use had a staring role Im sure. He just did not seem well spoken of intelligent for that matter (musically is a different story of course).
Bob Rock is and alwasy will be a POS in my mind. I hate his production and what he has done to the sound of The Cult ,Motley Crue and Metallica to name a few...guy just came off as So Cal slime ball pr0n filmaker type deal...IDK. It was fucked watching him actually be a creative influence with regards to riffs and writing material. Maybe that is his approach to production.
Trujillo owns. The end.
Most of you kids werent alive to see Cliff Burton bang his head on the opening tour for Ozzy (Master of Puppets tour in 86 i believe). In my opinion they lost that edge with the loss of Cliff. For some fucked up reason I think they found a small piece of that with St. Anger....