Teh (not yet) OFFICIAL What Are You Playing Thread? -
07-11-2005, 05:32 PM
We had one of these a bunch of months back...
Im not all too original a forum-thread-maker, but I was getting kinda curious, cause Im itching for a new game, and really dont find anything all too appealing (SP?) from the newest released games.
Oh, yeah, post screenies, too.
Well, I started playing Madden '04, which I got free with my videocard, and played that for around a week before I left for Mexico, leading the 49r's with a fabulous score of 2-8 during the preseason, but it got a little boring after I kept losing, and plus, not having a gamepad, I kinda felt like a loser just presing "WASD" over and over again, with a Q here and there. If I ever pick up a game-pad, I'll reinstall it.
So then I went through my stack of magazine demo CD's in a shoebox in my closet, and decided to install the Evil Genius demo that was on one of them. I think I might get it - I never thought base-building would be so fun, but it turned out to be, as I built interrogation rooms, captured spies (Chan!) and all that stuff. If theres nothing else any better, I'll pick up a copy.
Oh yeah, and finished the game Vietcong last night. Worst game I've ever bought.
How about you guys? Screenies are a plus...anyone here have Freedom Force? Im kinda thinking about that, too..