10-23-2005, 10:25 AM
My friend looked at it like this, "If you've never played the game, then you'd probally enjoy this movie."
I saw it last nite and it just opened my Pandora's box of why I hate Hollywood because they can fuck up a script that's gold! The whole time I was watching the movie I was thinking "Where's the chest burster and Ripley?". It was such a rip off of Aliens at times. You can almost relate all of the 'Marine' squad with all of Colonial Marines in Aliens.
The plotline of Doom is, " A group of hardened Marines are sent to Mars to see what happend to a company's research faciality only to run into weird things that move fast and eat humans!". Meanwhile Aliens outline was "A group of Colonial Marines are sent back to a planet where a company has colonialized near Alien catacombs! All hell breaks loose and they have to survive and get out of there!". stupid:
Please, will someone, anyone, explain to me how you can fuck up a movie like Doom? Do they literally sit in and office and go "Okay, we have a script about the portal of hell being discoverd on Mars. Then, demons come through the portal and there's immense battles with bad ass fucker guns and people have to try to kill the demons then they have to go to hell and fight the devil." guy 2 "How about instead of hell we have some stupid shit about human chromosones and some sorta good/evil choosing zombie shit. Yeah we'll put in like some guy with half legs from Band of Brothers. YEAH YEAH! Then we can have th rock with his extra pearl white teeth and that broad from James Bond! Oh and then in the end there'll be this huge good vs evil fight with superhuman people and viruses and OMGOMGOMG! We'll call it 'Resident Aliens Doom'!