Originally Posted by Johnj
Unfortunate, but true. These jihadists are outlaws in their own countries, because no country would want to suffer the consequences of their actions. They may be popular for a while, but their true colors always end up guiding their actions. Murder and mayhem are all they know.
If they actually WERE outcasts the countries governments would work alot harder to pick them up. It's obvious that alot of these countries leaders and governments support these actions but are too scared to directly oppose the U.S for fear of a war they would indefinitely lose, so they indirectly and quietly support the terrorist cells. They're angry at U.S imperialism. Some of these countries, like Iraq, have been fucked around by colonial or impearialistic governments for the last century - It's not hard for them to decide who they think the enemy is.
When you have forces of people constantly acting towards your country and neighbouring muslim countries with public support of Israel the Jewish state and there is already a big difference in beliefs, it's hard to trust those CHRISTIAN countries, especially when all they seem to be doing is coming in and pretty much stealing, or nowadays making fucked-up deals so they can get their capatalist christian hands on something that doesn't even belong to them.
I mean come on, deny it all you want but look at the situation, half of the western world see that most of this is all about oil, so OBVIOUSLY all these fundamentalist islamic youths are going to see it that way as well.
...If my country had bigger, richer and foreign (by country AND religion) hands constantly dipping into my countries economic sources, I'd get pissed off too. They think they're justified (IMO, they're not far from it), and until they don't think they are being fucked around by all these countries, they're going to continue, and there is no possible way of shutting them down by force. It's a pointless waste of time and it's just going to make people in that area of the world far more bitter and angry, and far more willing to blow up YOUR families for supporting it all.