Gaming mouse question -
12-05-2006, 08:10 PM
Wondering what you guys use to game with.
Currently using the [url=]MX1000[/url:3d95d] which i like but went and purchased the [url=]MX Revolution[/url:3d95d] yesterday. After a night of gaming, i returned it to Best Buy. That thumb wheel should be mounted a little further back and the middle mouse wheel drove me nuts the entire night.
The middle mouse wheel is not good if you game with it. I usually use "Mouse 3" to reload weapons by pushing down on the wheel. When you push down on this wheel, it "unlocks" the wheel in free mode so you can spin it without those "clicks". By pushing down on the wheel again, you enable the clicking when you scroll up or down. It was quite annoying since i use "scroll up and down" to switch weapons. I just couldn't get used to it.
So, what do you guys use for gaming?
The world is my urinal