A Million Degrees Of Kevin Bacon -
02-13-2007, 01:57 PM
Its been a while since we've had a 'game thread,' so here it is, lets try and get from Kevin Bacon and see how long we can go for...
If you don't know how to play - Here's an example of a single post in this game:
Eric Bana was in the film MUNICH with Daniel Craig.
....and then the next poster would follow on with:
Daniel Craig was in the film ROAD TO PERDITION with Tom Hanks.
...and then...:
Tom Hanks was in the film SAVING PRIVATE RYAN with Barry Pepper.
....and so on and so on.
(P.s I know the game is usually six degrees of kevin bacon, and youre supposed to go from someone else TO kevin bacon - but stfu)
Here goes:
Kevin Bacon was in MURDER IN THE FIRST with Christian Slater
EDIT: You can only use a movie or actor once.