RWRrraAAAaAAwrrRr!!! & GrrRrr, grunt etc. -
07-06-2007, 08:28 PM
I was just looking at the job spec stuff I'd like to do as I'm no longer working for those VISA sons o bi**es.
I'd like to get into being an administrator for some construction company, then work my way into a management position. After considering what appealed to me about the position I noticed a similarity for most manly desires.
Men, at the most basic caveman level, generally like to make stuff, destroy stuff & shag. I figure this is probably due to making= fire/shelter, destroy= hunting/killing the other moo-goo tribe, shag= taking their daughters.
For modern man it is thus:
Making stuff - creating, this could be either through messing around with cars, artwork, making music, or perhaps listening, collecting or generally having a hobby that the guy is mad about. I've noticed that this usually only applies to guys. Arkan collects model cars & stuff, Acid collects hentai or animie stuff, trippar has his rap stuff, quite a few of you are keen on photography. I notice that for girls it's different as it's rare to come across a girl who has an absolute passion for only one subject.
Destroy stuff- drinking beer & blowing shyt up, most guys like causing a bit of havoc & destruction whether that be engaging in warfare, doing it in computer games or mock warfare with paintball etc.
shag, no need for any details
Once again I notice no similarity for girls, they seem to prefer shoes, gossip & shopping, no doubt this is also due to some very basic requirement.
But yar I think what most appealed to me about this job is I actually get to be part of something constructive. When I was working for V**A all I did was sit on my azz in a fancy suit, doing spreadsheets & wondering what the PA looked like naked. I was bored out of my brain! It's no way to making a living imho.
Do you guys agree with my thesis? & Yes I have far too much time on my hands lately. Finally, what is your 'thing'? I think mine is History.