New Airborne patch soon, server side only -
10-30-2007, 05:51 AM
Blackhat has posted info regarding the latest airborne patch which should be here later today (was suppose to be last night but might have been held up in QC)
Hey everyone - the Dedicated Server package update will be coming this week (just gotta run a couple more checks on it), but in the mean time I wanted to post some of the update notes from the new ReadMe so you can get an idea of what we hit on, and what some of the updates are:
Medal Of Honor Airborne™ Dedicated Server
Readme File
Version 1.1ds (Standalone Dedicated Server Package)
October 25, 2007
Th is update for Medal of Honor Airborne fixes several problems with
the Dedicated Server and does not fix any Client related issues.
Dedica ted Server
·Allows for Dedicated Servers to bind game instance to a specific IP.
·Allows for Dedicated Servers to bind game instance to a specific Port.
·Allows .ini files to be stored in a custom path instead of MyDocs.
·A Dedicated Server no longer needs installation of full game.
·A Dedicated Server standalone package was created and size has
been reduced for quicker uploads.
·The Dedicated Server now generates a log file under
UnrealEngine3\MOHAGame\Logs or the folder you specify (see section VII).
·The Dedicated server logging can be turned off by adding -nolog
to the command line
Bu g Fixes
· Fixed a bug where MOHADedicatedServer.ini was used even if user
had specified a different configuration file.
· Fixed misspelling of "Disconnect" in remote admin tool.
· Fixed response time for server commands for both server console
and Rcon console.
· Fixed Dedicated Server Console title bar to show current map and
number of players.
. Fixed a bug where all remote servers had the same port and password
by default.
. Fixed a bug where all remote servers were bound to same IP.
Standalone Server Setup
NO TE: We recommend that you uninstall any existing versions of the
MOHA Dedicated server before setting up the standalone dedicated server.
1) Download the latest Dedicated Server standalone package.
2) Run the self extracting archive file and extract contents to a folder
of your choice.
3) Visual Studio 2005 redistributable package must be installed if it is not already in order to run the server. You can find it in Redistributable/vcredist_86.exe under the folder you extracted the standalone server.
NOTE: The Visual Studio 2005 redistributable needs to be installed on
the machine running the Remote Console (rcon) too, for the rcon tool to work.
4) If you want to use Punkbuster on your server, you need to install it using Punkbuster/pbsetup.exe under the folder you extracted the standalone server.
5) To run the server, you can use /UnrealEngine3/Binaries/DSLauncher.exe. After the first time you create the configuration files using DSLauncher, you can run MOHAServer.exe with commandline parameters described in this readme.
En d of Update Notes File