11-04-2002, 04:31 PM
Its kinda ironic that the Japanese caused their own downfall and the downfall of the Germans by attacking the US. The US was actually quite happy to sit on the sidelines of WW2 (at least the European part) (and yes I realise there was stuff going on in China before 1339).
Its pure speculation as to what would have happened if the US hadn't been dragged into the war in Europe. Hitler was never 100% sure about invading the UK - thats why he virtually ignored our island after the Battle of Britain (at least didn't attempt to invade it again). I'm more than glad that the US did eventually decide to join in on our side (even then the US harboured ill will towards the Russians)...and without them its doubtfull if the rest of the Allied Forces would have been able to invade mainland Europe.
I think the ill will is generated (a) by US companies playing to a US market - thats fine if you are a US citizen - but a lot of peoples grandparents fought / died in WW2 and it seems disrespectful / ignorant / arrogant not to at least have some allied forces in the game (b) If a Uk company did the same thing with only UK forces - its very likely that a lot of Americans would get pissed off.
Thankfully this is being rectified in Spearhead...
As for the US "policing" the world because they are the only Superpower -
Just want to remind you of a little thing called the British Empire - they controlled half the countries of this world - they invaded people for the "good" of the world - I believe the American Revolution put paid to that - Why are you so keen to go down the route of a country that your forefathers fought and died against ??