Feature suggestions for Autokick -
11-09-2002, 05:03 PM
I'm getting ready to pump out the next version of Autokick. Now that spearhead is out and it has TK detection built in, I can focus on other things. Any suggestions for Autokick, the next generation?
Here's what I've been coding up so far.....
1. Manage multiple servers.
2.a. Integrate ban lists of other servers / admins
2.b. Integrate global ban list from trusted servers
2.c. Integrate players banned from in-game with Autokick's ban list
3. FTP services
4. Improved rcon functions (command help, etc.)
5. Change maps with a mouse click
6. Allow players to call admins to server via e-mail, ICQ
7. Subnet banning
8. Finer levels of TK detection
9. Support for other games (JKII, etc.)
Anything you'd like to see?