Spearhead Patch & Memory leaks -
11-24-2002, 07:33 PM
I would have to agree that it is a memory leak or somthing. Because I have no problems running classic MOH at all averagre 100 fps. But with SH major problems. For example in the parachute drop somthing like 20 fps?!!? The rig I am playing on: Radeon 9700 pro, 1536 ram, 2200 xp amd, WinXP Pro. I should have no problems getting great preformance in any room. And the fact that I run into no problems at all with classic moh supports the theory. I found a message about the upcoming SH patch that also leads me to believe that the people at EA are shooting dice on this one. It is located here: [url:456c4]http://www.mohadmin.com/nuke/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=38[/url:456c4]