What Blows My Mind re SpearHead -
11-24-2002, 10:27 PM
What do you expect from an add-on in terms of performance?
Improvement, right? Isn't that reasonable?
What is mind boggeling about Spearhead is that it DECREASES improvement!
Forget about complaints re content, just think about this: the net code, you expect, would be better. The frame rate would be better. Player movement would be smoother. BUT IT IS NOT - IT IS ALL WORSE!
In Spearhead the expectations are refuted. I have problems with Spearhead I never had with MOH (not to mention Unreal 3 or NOLF2)
I have horrible frame rate drops. Movement is weird, as in going down ladders - this was never a problem in MOH, but in Spearead I often simply fall off the ladder.
And what is the deal with starting on roofs or platforms from which there is no descent without falling and suffering damage? I mean, why spawn on a spot gauranteed to give you a 14 point hit point damage?
And what about people disappearing into walls? That NEVER happened in MOH!
And what about running next to a player on your team, and you mesh, and you can't tell who is who? Or getting close to an enemy and he disappears, you can't tell if he is above or below you or where he went? This never happend in MOH, or UT3, or Quake 3.
Something has been radically changed. It feels different too, just like Unreal feels different from Quake, Spearhead feels different from MOH.
What a shame, cause this was the game that was setting the new trend...